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Sign Artist Installs Jean Koplin Memorial Hall Signs

Jean Koplin Memorial Hall was just inaugurated with a Sign Artist building dedication sign, at Chicagoland’s Elmhurst University! Sign Artist installed a stunning cast bronze plaque, marking a prominent interior space in the Hall.

Our crew also used an articulated lift to install a brushed aluminum, 3-dimensional sign, with each letter averaging 24 inches in height as a building dedication sign. Aloft 50-plus feet, the letters catch the sunlight, and can be seen from blocks away. They stand above the main building’s classical  entrance, adding distinction to a prominent entry to the campus.

In addition,  brushed aluminum building dedication signs were installed by Sign Artist atop both the east and west entryways. Installers created an innovative custom system of triangular brackets and rails, enabling the letters to appear to hover above the roofline.


Formerly Circle Hall, the Jean Koplin Memorial Hall was dedicated with its new name in June, 2021, at an event attended by the Koplin family and Elmhurst University trustees. The ceremony was marked by speeches and a string trio.  The newly-dedicated hall and signage was visible nearby throughout the ceremony.

Trustees noted the beauty of the new sign.  Attendees honored the Koplin family, who are devoted supporters of the University. The occasion memorialized Jean Koplin who, along with her husband, championed the University’s vision through the decades.

Do you have a building you would like memorialized? Sign Artist would be happy to discuss the options! Call Ed at 630-594-4185.


pedestal sign with electronic message center

Are Sign Letters Gone with the Wind? Try LED Signs!


All of us at Sign Artist play a Where’s Waldo? game of sorts. We spot problematic signs wherever we go! We applaud this dry cleaner in Chicagoland for posting positively and taking the “high road.” He obviously takes a lot of pride in his signs, because the message changes often.

However, we also wonder if the sturdy Spring winds have whisked a couple letters to another county!

Stringing letters manually to a gigantic sign board is one way of getting a message across, and we’ve happily provided changeable letter signs to area clients. But a more modern approach, and one that can be easily programmed with the touch of a finger on a screen, is LED lighting.

LED signs  give an updated look, and have exterior and interior uses galore, from way finding, directory and even sports arena signage, to menu and score boards. and open/closed signs.  Wifi controller connections allows the owner of the sign to make changes to content as needs dictate.

These electronic message centers provide high visibility to your business!

Let us know if you’d like to update your look, make lettering legible and secure, and simplify maintenance, with a programmable LED sign. We’d be happy to give you a quote for your specific need and application.




Sign World Convention 2019, Nashville, TN